Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wolf Brother - Chronicles of Ancient Darkness by Michelle Paver

I first read this book when I was about 8 years old, I liked it back then and i still love it. This is one of my favorite books. I thinka the author has done a wery good job with writing this book, the characters are wery good and you understand what's happening already when you start reading. I'll quote the back off the book (I haven't read the book in English so it's just translated from what's on the back of my book) : "Twelve year old Torak is alone, wounded, frightened, and he has to escape. His father lays dead beside him, attacked by a deamon in the shape of a bear - a deamon with the power to destroy the world... Torak has gived his dead father a promise. He'll find the Mountain of the World Spirit to get help with fithing the demon. His only companion is an abandoned wolfcub, and together they leave for a long and dangerous wandering through the Forest. When the red eye stands at it's highest point in the sky Torak has to face his enemy..." It's an really good book, but if you don't like fantasy there's really no point for reading it. Michelle Paver did an wery good reaserch for the book, tht is why the facts seem wery real. She also did come up with really interesting stuff, like the wolf language. I give this book 5/5 and I really recommend it to everyone!

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